Thursday, March 22, 2018

Some Insight into the Seasons of the Time Reset

We have some more insight to offer about how this season seems to be represented in the Bible. We'll introduce it here and soon, Lord willing, elaborate on it.

On the Lord's calendar, with the barley crop found ripe enough in Israel and the recent sighting of the new moon, we've recently entered the first month of the new year. This is a special season on the annual cycle as it is the month of the celebration of Pesah and Hag haMatzot.

(Hag haMatzot begins sunset April 1. The last day begins at sunset on April 7. You can count off the weeks to Hag haShavuot, which begins at sunset on May 26.)

Even though time, as we know it, has been skewed off the biblical prophetic accounting of history, the accounting of time as prescribed in the Bible still has meaning. This year, 2018, is special because we're approaching a key transition into the 7th or Shabbat year of this Shemitah. Because of the half year offset in calendar accounting, that transition will be officially accounted this fall, at Yom Teruah.

The accounting of time in the unfolding of prophecy is what we believe is "our thing," our main thing. Of all the diverse and significant subjects we address, the accounting of time on the Lord's calendar and what it means to His people is paramount. When we address the pending reset of time back into the past, we're quite serious about this because the salvation of humanity really does depend on it.

As it stands, the circumstantial evidence leads attentive and honest people to conclude that the Adversary has wrested control of time and space away from the Creator, and generally to perceive that this action has gone unchallenged. If you've been paying attention to the work we've been presenting, the global populace is spellbound (delusion) and those offstage agents who write the scripts for and direct this drama appear to have little in the way of opposition. But that's not the whole story.

We are fully confident that this is all according to plan, and precisely on schedule. How so? Blind faith? No, real faith is not blind but is rather a holding of sure promises in view. Aaron and I were prepared in advance of the skewing of time, learning enough about the schedule of unfolding prophecy and the ways of the Lord's revealing to trust in it. We have seen how the Lord uses partial disclosure to perfection, concealing and revealing in ways that assure success. The Adversary only ever sees what he is permitted to see, according to how it serves the Sovereign Creator's purposes. (1 Corinthians 2:8, for example) We read the Bible and watch according to the Lord's express commands to watch and what we see is validating.

If you're not yet familiar with the collection of studies found here, When Cometh That Thief in the Night, this body of work will provide some background and a foundation for our confidence. As for the insight we're gaining in this 6th year of this strange Shemitah that we know very well IS NOT in accord with the biblical timeline of ultimate prophetic fulfillment, here's an introduction.

We're going to give attention to a pattern featured in Genesis chapters 29 and 41, which relates also to the account in the 7th chapter of Exodus. A few weeks ago, Aaron and I were having a conversation where we were reflecting on some previous seasons when key insight was received. It was in the context of making reference to the remarkable "Indications of a Time Reset in the Keystone Prophecies" that we came to another, "What's next?" kind of place, and we were immediately granted some insight. We're still developing this, and testing it, but this can be shared with confidence.

In Exodus 7, the children of Israel are enslaved in Egypt. The God of Israel commissions Moses and Aaron to petition Pharaoh for their release.

8 Now the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, 9 “When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, ‘Work a miracle,’ then you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent.’” 10 So Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and thus they did just as the Lord had commanded; and Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. 11 Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts. 12 For each one threw down his staff and they turned into serpents. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs. 13 Yet Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the Lord had said. ~ Exodus 7:8-13

The serpent, like water and money, is sometimes used as a time metaphor. You know Satan didn't invent the ouroboros, right? He's not the creative one, he's the mimic. Monkey see, monkey do. Moses and Aaron obeyed God, using the staff He provided. Their action accomplished everything intended - and the record of their action accomplishes everything intended. It was a sign, a prophetic sign, and nowhere in the Bible are things devoid of meaning, which is to say that there is no employment of random or meaningless objects.

This is an introduction, so we're moving on to the 41st chapter of Genesis where a Pharaoh has a prophetic dream. This is the Pharoah who was on the throne when Israel was being brought into Egypt. The Lord used a severe famine to bring this about, and the agency of Jacob's son Joseph. You can read the chapter for yourself. Notice how the subjects of the dream are symbols that represent periods of time, and that one swallows up the other. Like one serpent-time eats up other serpents-times, okay? There's a common theme. These periods of the dream interpreted by Joseph were specifically 2 sets of sevens, in sequence. The dream was prophetic and the story of how it was fulfilled is probably familiar to you, but we don't think that's the full limit of prophetic application.

Now, when you consider the 29th chapter of Genesis, compare the seasons Jacob labored for Laban to get Rachel for a wife. He labored seven years for his bride, and special attention is given to the perception of the passage of time.

So Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed to him but a few days because of his love for her. ~ Genesis 29:20

Yet, he was deceived by Laban, receiving Leah instead in a bait and switch routine legitimized by Laban on a point of legality. And Jacob served another seven years to receive Rachel, "completing her week."

This is about a Bride, yes, indeed it is! The Lord Y'shua will have a Bride.

One could read into these things but one should only take away what is there to be taken away. Nothing more, and nothing less. So, Lord willing, we'll write more as we are able.

Blessings in Y'shua!

Bob (and Aaron)

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